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- آدرس کوتاه شده مقاله: https://bahareadab.com/article_id/1684
- کد doi مقاله: Doi: 10.22034/bahareadab.2024 .17 .7440
Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose
volume Number 17،
number In Volume 6،
issue Number 100
Analysis of the elements of scene (time and place) in Toti Nameh, Samak-e Ayyar, Darab Nameh and Amir Arsalan
Hassan Ghanbari , Tahereh Sadeghi Tahsili (Author in Charge), Ali Heydari , Rasool Heydari
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: From ancient times, old stories have drawn the attention of poets and writers from one hand, and the critics and readers, on the other hand. The elements such as character, incident, point of view, narrative, tension, space and so on make this genre distinct from other literary works. Therefore, the analysis of the time and place elements of ancient stories are of paramount importance. The method of the present study is descriptive analytical method. Every story has benefited from a Known or unknown various elements of time and place according to the context, history and culture. By reading any story, the reader is referred to a known or unknown historical and geographical situation.
METHODOLOGY: The scene (time and place) is the key element being explored in this study. This research is a theoretical study that has been carried out using the library method. Its scope and statistical subjects include four ancient works of fiction namely Totininameh, Darabnameh, Samak Ayyar and Amir Arslan. The research method is descriptive-analytical.
FINDINGS: Although some critics consider temporal and spatial aspects general and vague, nobody can deny the presence of the elements of time and place. But the existence of multiple elements and situations in these stories cannot be denied. Using various calendar and mythological times is one of the common features of these works. From a spatial point of view, although we face a general and vague view. But the geographical scope of these stories is very diverse and includes many regions in the ancient world.
CONCLUSION: The results of the research show that all of the stories have time and place. There is no story existing without these elements. Such elements give the stories historical, national, cultural and contextual concepts. But mostly they lack historical and geographical identity. These two elements; however, are general and vague in certain situations. They also show the variety of the time and the place in stories. They do not have an obvious role in advancing the story. From the point of view of time, these works are oriented towards the past and linear. There are many different locations in these works. Like the countries, cities and natural environments where fictional events have taken place.
Time and Place
, Toti Nameh
, Samak-e Ayyar
, Darab Nameh and Amir Arsalan
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